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A poem for the fires

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marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

A mate who knows the area of victoria that got incinerated wrote this

“The sky was gone from our space”

Peaceful tranquil setting idealist space
Hot bloody hot
“The news service the day before with haste”
Warning, the day after of alarming shots!

As quiet as buying this place
The human kind stirred
The animal kind attention was distant
Early time nothing to purr

Again quiet lying back enjoying this space
Nature decided it to be hot, summer is a blur

The anger that arrived isn’t found
Noise not found before enters the space
Grace is removed escape is abound
Life is squeezed taken beauty peace lost

It came it went, gone is gone
If you want roar you had
If you want no sky you got
Your choice wasn’t in the sad!!

Quiet returns, empty space

Where some walked now are spirits
Some now walk but empty
Such a space…not lost not found but frozen its
What was isn’t gone is a plenty

Characters resolve will bring and live
Let us not forget the space was is a place
Let’s not have few words to describe that nature give
Many words many thoughts many will look into space

The ANZACS say “lest we forget”
This time of nature has joined previous like
Now smile the respect
To journey on all in thought all much alike

The fire was nasty is gone
Honour the memory strong
Tears flow but go cannot be long
We join the Anzacs to memory long

Many words to remember
So few words no respect
Not ash Wednesday not black Friday as a ember!!
Many words will remember complete in all aspect

grahamg's picture
Joined: 8-Feb-09
Posts: 9

So far the amount of money raised is about 200 million!
Not including Government monies and handouts.

Will we see how this money is spent?

Most of the homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, town halls etc would have been insured anyway, most of them by law,(which is backed up by the insurance companies who are expecting big hits), so just where is the 200 million plus going?

If they pay for uninsured homes to be rebuilt that would say to me that we should retrospectively go back and donate funds to every person who has ever had their house burnt down or lost in other natural disasters in the past and didn't have insurance. But why only a select few get to have this, and on only this occassion?

Will we the donators and tax paying public see where this money is spent? I doubt it.
Some very nice scams coming up over the next few months, if not already.


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