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pet friendly places

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thorazinedc's picture
Joined: 4-Apr-08
Posts: 56

I live here in Phnom Penh and now have my pup but am unable to find places that will take my dog (guest house or anything) when I go to the beach or to siem reap? Am really looking for a place that I can bring him to the beach - let me know anyone

Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
Posts: 2317

I am in KP Som now and have spoken to Daryl who runs the Beach Club Resort.
As long as your dog is not a loud mongrel who barks all night and bites kids then you are welcome to check in.

Call Daryl on 016 409 612 or check out

great place with pool and very child friendly. aussie run place = cold beer

thorazinedc's picture
Joined: 4-Apr-08
Posts: 56

Thank you Anthony for your response and to daryl for having a place I can take my non-mongrel non biting dog. I will call and make reservations for next weekend more than likely. Cheers mate!!!!


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