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Buisness Visa Extenstion with Passport valid for less than 6 months.

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Luke_W's picture
Joined: 10-Dec-11
Posts: 5

It seems I will be able to enter Cambodia as long I have +6 months validity.

My concern is that will I be able to extend my visa post entry for 3 or 6 months as it will be within that 6 months period before my passport expires. Has anyone dealt with this before?


KiwiKev's picture
Joined: 16-Jan-11
Posts: 233

Yes I have they say you need six months validity on your passport so get a new one and ask the Embassy to send your old one back as it has a live visa in it. Ensure you make this clearly known.

You are not going to get another visa if you do not have six months validity on your passport that you can be assured of with the local rules. So don't take the chance.

In fact it is not a clever idea to be travelling around the world with a passport with less than six months validity as many countries are getting tough on this issue.

Good luck


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